

Ringworm - what is it?

Ringworm is not a worm, but a round, red and often raised fungal skin infection that can be found on the scalp, skin or nails. It is highly infectious.

How do I know if I have ringworm?

You may have Ringworm if you have:

  • Small red, distinctly round raised areas on the skin or nails
  • Scaling on the scalp

What are the symptoms of ringworm?

  • ringworm-scalp-2Red, raised area that is itchy
  • Can form blisters and ooze liquid
  • Reddened area surrounded by a darker, raised ring
  • Bald and flaky areas on the scalp
  • Nails can thicken and possibly change colour

How did I get Ringworm?

Ringworm can be contracted via:

  • Direct skin contact with another infected person
  • From clothes infected by the fungus
  • From cats or dog that transmit the fungus to humans

How common is ringworm?

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of ringworm in the UK and is it most common in toddlers and school-aged children.

How can I treat ringworm?

ringworm-scalp-2Ringworm can be persistent and difficult to treat.

The first line of defence is antifungal medications and medicated shampoos that can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacist.

The second line of defence is to use Eradicil in each and every pre-wash to break the cycle of re-infection and to stop the infection spreading to other members of the family or household. Learn more about when and how to use Eradicil.

How can I prevent getting ringworm?

Refrain from sharing towels, clothing and other personal items
Good personal hygiene, especially after petting animals