Jock Itch

Jock Itch

Jock itch or dhobi(e) Itch - what is it?

Jock itch, also known as dhobi(e) itch, is a common fungal infection that affects your skin on the inner thigh, buttocks and genital areas. It can also spread to the anus. Jock itch comes from the same family of fungus that causes athlete's foot (tinea pedis). It mostly affects males, but can also affect females.

How do I know if I have jock itch?

jock-itch-1You may have jock itch if you have:

  • A red, raised, circular, itchy rash on your thighs, buttocks or genital areas
  • The rash may be ring shaped - like Ringworm (often called Ringworm of the groin) Learn more about Ringworm>>
  • Small pinpoint red or pink bumps at each hair follicle

What are the symptoms of jock itch?

  • Itching
  • Flaking, peeling, cracking skin
  • Burning sensation
  • Scaling

How did I get jock itch?

Jock itch is highly contagious. The most common sources for contracting jock itch are:

  • From an existing athlete's foot or ringworm infection
  • Moisture (sweat), warmth or skin friction in the groin area
  • Tight clothing that traps sweat
  • A health condition such as obesity, diabetes or immune deficiency problems

How can I treat Jock itch?

The first line of defence is an antifungal drug applied to the affected area. You can purchase these over the counter at your local pharmacist.

The second line of defence is to use Eradicil in each and every pre-wash to prevent re-infection and the spread of infection to others in your household. Learn more about when and how to use Eradicil.

How can I prevent getting jock itch?

  • Wash groin and buttocks well using soap and water and dry well (especially after exercising)
  • Minimise groin moisture by using powder and wearing cotton underwear
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet to prevent spreading the infection
  • Treat athlete's foot if you have it to stop it spreading to the groin. Learn more about athlete's foot
  • Wash underwear and clothes frequently and change your underwear every day
  • Avoid tight fitting clothes
  • Don't wear thick clothing for long periods in warm, humid weather